About Us
PhDs- people working invisibly behind the scenes, contributing to the steady march of science, society, culture, enriching our human experience.
But what do we know of their lives, their struggles and triumphs, their stories? How much are we initiated ourselves for those of us who even embark on this journey?
And why is it that only during times like these do we suddenly realize the importance of this community?
This space is dedicated to bring out some of these stories of our unsung heroes, warts and all. Indian researchers face a lot of additional challenges that are unique to our country and hence we would love to highlight stories from different institutes of India.
If you want to share your experiences, the memories you have created while breaking test tubes or solving equations or even looking at the stars, here’s a chance to do so. Drop an email at phdsofindia@gmail.com and connect with us via an informal, friendly Skype chat. We will tell your story to the world and hope it will inspire many other bright young minds in this country brimming with potential.
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